Pothos  Vs Philodendron 

Philodendron  and Pothos belongs to same family Araceae.  Often Pothos and philodendron is confused to be same variety. .

Philodendrons are a large and diverse genus of plants, but there are a few popular philodendrons that are very commonly confused with Pothos. In particular, Heartleaf Philodendron,  otherwise known as the sweetheart plant is commonly confused with Pothos. This plant goes by the scientific name Philodendron hederaceum, but it is very commonly seen under the synonym Philodendron scandensBoth Philodendrons and Pothos belong to the same family, Araceae, but Pothos are in the genus Epipremnum, and Philodendrons are of the genus Philodendron. (Source: https://smartgardenguide.com/pothos-vs-philodendron/) 

  • Pothos grows best in bright, indirect light. 
  • Although Pothos does not tolerate direct sunlight it can survive. 
  • Very suitable for west side balcony or window which receive very less sunlight. 

  • Philodendron thrives well in lower light conditions. 
  • Growth is very slow compared to Pothos. 
  • Although looks like Pothos the leaf shape is little different which helps in identifying it as philodendron. 


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