
Showing posts from September 4, 2020

APHID / அசுவிணி (செடிப் பேன்)

APHID   Common Names :  Aphids are small sap-sucking insects and members of the superfamily Aphidoidea.  Common Names include greenfly and blackfly, although individuals within a species can vary widely in colour. The group includes the fluffy white wooly aphids. (Source: Wikipedia)  Damage Crops: Squash, cucumber, pumpkin, melon, bean, potato, lettuce, beetroot             Pic #1: Healthy corn plant.        Pic #2: The top part of the plant               Pic #3: Aphid           Can see ant like insect                    affected Aphids are tiny insects that feed by sucking the nutrient-rich liquids out of plants. Aphids can be brown, green, yellow or black colour. Aphids can be with wings or wingless. Leaves of Aphid affected plants will look curled or stunned.  Preventing Measures:  I am sharing my personal experience and also tips that I got from fellow gardeners.  Turmeric & Ash :   Take 30-50 grams and mix with one litter of water and spray it on the affected area. Green Chili