
Showing posts from June 29, 2020


SEED SOAKING TIME  Before sowing seeds it should be soaked for better germination. The soaking time differs for each vegetable. The harder the seed is the more time it requires. Tomato seeds are very light it does not require much time whereas Jack bean seeds are huge and hard so it requires 24 hours soaking time. Given below are the different soaking time required for each vegetable .  S.No. Vegetable Hours 1 Tomato 25 Minutes Few Hours 1 Brinjal 2 to 10 2 Radish 4 to 5 3 Cucumber 5 to 10 12 Hours 1 Ridge Gourd / பீர்க்கங்காய்    10 – 12 2 Snake Gourd /  புடலங்காய்   2 – 12 3 Bean / அவரை                                      12   24 Hours 1 Chili 2 Bitter Gourd 3 Jack Bean


SEED SELECTION The first step to becoming an organic gardener is started by choosing the right seed. Seed selection is the most important in starting an organic garden. If the garden is organic and the seeds used are chemically coated then there is not an organic garden. Most of the gardening beginners do not know the different varieties of seeds that are available in the market. Here we have discussed the varieties of seeds and which one to choose to start an organic garden.  There are four varieties of seeds:            1.        Open Pollinated seed            2.        Heirloom seed            3.        Hybrid seed            4.        Genetically modified  organism (GMO)   In the video, the difference between chemical and open-pollinated seed is shown  What is the difference between Open Pollinated seed, Heirloom, and Hybrid?  Open Pollinated seed: An open-pollinated seed is when pollination occurs  Open Pollinated seed  is when pollination occur