Urban Farming

      Vegetable Growing

     Insects that affect plants
     1. Red Melon Beetle 

 Why Its Important to Start Growing Your Own Food

                        Growing our own fruit and vegetable is one of the most gratifying things you can do in the garden. The Urban lifestyle does not give our younger generation enough space or time to learn about plants or garden. Leave alone growing food, most people do not even know how to grow a plant. 
                   The sudden halt of our lifestyle have given us more time, space to rethink, and prioritize what is important in life. Our green crusader Dr.G.Namalvar, agricultural scientist, environmental activist and organic farming expert insisted on growing 10 trees around a house. Neem, Coconut, Papaya, Drumstick, Banana, Lemon, Gooseberry, Jackfruit, Mango, Custart apple. All these ten fruits and vegetables are used as food or medicine in our everyday diet. But we do not have so much space now, what do we do in an apartment? 
         Grow Your Own Food
      Urban farming is the solution for people with less space. Even in balcony with very little sunlight or  partial sunlight Spinach can be grown. With a space of about 400 square feet with more than 5 hour sunlight many vegetables can be grown. 6 to 8 Tomato plant can provide 1 kg every week. Growing vegetable should not be the only purpose. Growing your own organic food, saving seeds, sharing it, and becoming self-sufficient should be the purpose. 
      In a quest to start a food garden, we do not take time to notice what goes in to our garden. We come across so many YouTube channel that discuss on growing vegetables. Most of them show it as if its a very easy work or fun work, lets make it clear. Vegetable growing is Farming not gardening. It is not landscaping so do not expect it to look colorful because it wont. 
      To know more about the seed selection, click on the link       

     Also you can see how every Youtubers use this word "hybrid" so often make it look like a fancy word.In reality it isn't. While growing vegetable is important, growing it organically from the seed is very important. Hybrid seed is not organic, buy if you are growing it and able to take 7th generation seed then it is organic. The 7th generation seed taken from a hybrid is considered as organic. 
     Try to get organic plant and seeds. Becoming self-sufficient requires lot of planning like Joythika in  36 Vayadhinile movie. It isn't a easy job, nor an impossible one either. Little planning and effort will make this experience a fruitful one and its totally worth it.
Joythika in movie 36 Vayadhinile planning Terrace garden for nearby houses. 
     To make the learning process easy and make less mistakes we will post about growing vegetables in our blog. Follow https://thechennaigarden.blogspot.com/      

    Being a nature lover we are determined to sell only organic seeds. We source from organic farmers from South India. We grow vegetables and save seeds. We do not use any chemical in any of our seeds or to grow plants.  www.thechennaigarden.com.  
     We are here to share our experience with you and help you to start growing you food. If by sharing our experience at least one of you start growing your food that is our success. 



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