Sustainable Living

                                         If Sustainable Living Is the Only Way of Survival 

This Pandemic have made us believe that the whole world could just stop functioning anytime. In January 2020 If someone told us about the social distancing and lock down, we would have laughed at them. But now that's the reality or should we say "The New Normal". While hoping for the lock downs to get over, corona going away and getting back to normal, What if this is permanent? What if there is no going back? What if we have to learn to live this way?

No Going Back, Only Moving Forward
The world is never going back, only moving forward. Everything is slowed down. All our resource are gone all over the world. Everything the human took so granted for all these many years are all gone. Money is of no use when their is no resource. What do you do with money when you do not have the resource to buy? The world is coming to an End. Food becomes the most important aspect since that is the only thing that will be every humans priority on this earth. 

The pandemic teaches the people that nothing else is important in this world than FOOD.  After all hunger teaches a lot of harsh lesson, don't they? No food, No where to go, No one has anything to sell, No one is willing to share. What do we do now? 

The New Normal
The most important lesson that we have learnt is to live a sustainable life. Sustainable living becomes the new norm. We have to grow our own food to survive. Kids before pandemic were used to the school routine. Now every family wakes up to a farm work. To eat food you have grow it. Every member of the family is given a task in the garden. Even families living in family is forced to grow food in whatever space they have. Since their is no resource, every other possibilities are looked for. 
Solar lights, Windmills, travel by walk or cycle. People slowly get used to this "New Normal". People learn to sell, buy or share whatever food they are able to produce. 

The New Routine
Kids have been home for more than a year now, schools have began. Every household is learning to grow their own food. Slowly all are becoming self sustainable. We work, we grow, We survive. 
Self sustainability is the only way of survival. This isn't a new norm, this is a very old norm that was forgotten long ago and taken for granted by the Human Race. 

Now is the right time Humans on this earth pay more attention to our lifestyle, listen to nature and agree the fact that climate change is real. For many years people have denied Climate change in-spite of scientific consensus on Climate Change. The sustainable living was considered to be some sort of activism. Sustainable living is not leading a simple life, its about producing what you need and can be recycled, buying only things that are required and can be recycled. 

What does this teach us, Sustainable Living Is the Only Way of Survival!


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