"We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to"
- Terri Swearingen

Compost is the process of decomposing the organic matters and recycling it by using it as fertilizer for growing plants. Organically decompose items are kitchen waste, vegetable peel, fruit peel, egg shell, uncooked meat, cooked and uncooked food, food waste, dry leaves, coconut husk, straw, wood chips. 

Why Should We Compost? 
Urban India (about 377 million people) generate 62 million tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) each year. Of this, about 43 million tonnes(70%) is collected and 11.9 million tonnes(20%) is treated. About 31 million tonnes (50%) is dumped in landfill sites. It is estimated that urban municipal solid waste generation will increase to 165 million tonnes by 2030 (Source: Wikipedia) 

How much waste does a household generate in a day? Do not look for statistics; look at your garbage bin. I am sure most of you would agree that most of the days our dustbins contain
§  50% of kitchen waste
§  20 % of plastic covers that came along the packaging
§  20% e-waste and 10% other waste (paper, glass, metal, leather etc).

This would be the most common items that are thrown in to the garbage of an urban family. While you complain about the landfill and lack of cleanliness around the cities you certainly know that you are not only part of the problem, you are the problem.

Being the problem, you should find the solutions too. The best and simple way of being a solution to this huge garbage landfill is starting to compost kitchen waste. You might wonder if it is possible for an urban family living in a small apartment to make compost from their kitchen waste.
YES! You Can.


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